Assess Your Church or Network Ministry

Corpus has a robust and sophisticated assessment and coaching process that helps pastors and churches understand what the needs and challenges of revitalization will be.

Pastoral Readiness Assessment

PRA (for churches ) *See notation below

Assesses the pastor’s current skill-sets in their roles as Wise Elder, Skilled Overseer, and Transformational Shepherd to discover strengths and struggles in competency and readiness to lead a revitalization effort. Acts 20 and I Peter 5 both lay out this model for leadership in the church. Following this biblical model for coaching equips pastors for the journey of revitalization.

Vision Receptivity Assessment

VRA (for churches) *See notation below

Designed to help you evaluate and predict how receptive the existing church culture will be to a revitalization vision. The nine categories of sabotage are the most common issues that prevent revitalization from occurring. Knowing what issues and the intensity of the issues a church will face prior to launching a revitalization effort can increase the likelihood a revitalization will occur.

Chemistry Assessment

PRA (Competency) + VRA (Culture) = Chemistry

By looking at the PRA and the VRA together, you will discover the chemistry that exists between the pastor and the people in the church. Comparing the pastor’s competencies with the church’s culture will reveal points of connectivity and points of dissonance.

*Networks/associations will assess the network leader’s competency and readiness through the Network Leaders Readiness Assessment (NLRA) instead of the PRA and will assess network culture and receptivity using the Network Vision Receptivity Assessment (NVRA) instead of the VRA, therefore, chemistry will be discovered for networks/associations by combining the NLRA and the NVRA. Discovering readiness, receptivity, and chemistry are important first steps to beginning the revitalization process.

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