Corpus exists because church leaders need help.

Leading through a church revitalization process can be challenging and overwhelming. We are here to help.

We will walk with you through the church revitalization process.

Four Phases of the Corpus Church Revitalization Process


The robust and sophisticated assessments we provide will give you a closer look at all areas surrounding your ministry to help you better understand what the specific needs and challenges of your revitalization will be.

ReFocus (or ReNew)

The goal of the ReFocus six-step process and the ReNew four-step process (for transitional pastors) is to restore purpose, vibrancy, and health to the ministry while providing practical tools to help you with the actual work of leading a church revitalization.


When you “launch” your vision, you will be taking the exciting first action steps toward realizing the goals you developed for your church ministry during your ReFocus or ReNew training.


Corpus provides continued assessment and coaching support for you after your vision has been launched and your church revitalization is underway. Learn to be resilient as you face the challenges that will most certainly come your way as you lead through a church revitalization.

Readiness & Receptivity Assessments & Coaching

Corpus uses the Elder, Overseer, and Shepherd model to frame its assessment tool from a biblical perspective. Focusing on the nine most important skills a revitalization pastor must have (readiness) and the nine church cultural characteristics necessary for revitalization (receptivity), the assessment tools are a crucial first step in the church revitalization process.

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ReFocus Six-Step Church Revitalization Process Training

ReFocus is built upon a fully biblical model for church revitalization. Each step in the process follows the pattern of the biblical revitalizers who were referred to in the Old Testament as Overseers. Learning these six skills and how to implement them holds the potential to empower you to lead in your own church revitalization.

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Launch Vision

The entire Corpus team stands ready to work with you to launch a well-planned church revitalization effort. It can be overwhelming to think about launching a revitalization plan, but with an entire team of experienced coaches and pathfinders your preparation for the launch and your confidence in your church’s custom plan will greatly increase.

Leader Resilience Assessment & Coaching

After your church revitalization plan has been launched, Corpus provides continued support throughout the implementation with its Leader Resilience Assessment and Coaching model. After assessing and considering your natural resilience level, your Corpus coach will walk alongside you, helping you increase your level of resilience as you lead through the challenges of the change process.

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Church Revitalization as an interim pastor?

Be intentional in your leadership as you help your church embrace what is new and next. We invite you to explore the four steps in the ReNew process so that you can help your church (1) ReAssess, (2) RePosition and (3) ReDirect their ministry while using practical (4) ReSources to assist you with the actual work of planning, communicating, and making difficult decisions. This period of transition is an ideal time to revitalize, and your role is key in preparing the church for new leadership and a reenergized ministry.

Ready to talk?

If you would like someone to contact you about the help that Corpus can provide your church or organization, let us know.

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